There is a faint peace before the storm comes.

"Jiang Feng! What reward do you want for solving the case this time? ?” Trillion wood fairy statue looked at Jiang Feng slowly said
He sincerely thanks.
If it weren’t for Jiang Feng, my daughter would have gone into the lion’s den.
"Everything depends on the fairy!" Jiang Feng looked at each other and said slowly
Trillion wood fairy will smiled and shook his head "so be it! Reward you with a hundred thousand pieces of fairy stone. "
The price reward is not high
Of course, it’s not too bad, nor is Jiang Feng’s help. I want this reward
Nodded slightly and didn’t continue to talk.
"Jiang Feng, don’t leave today. Let me have a meal at the Palace!" Trillion wood fairy will mouth and said
Don’t look at eating.
But everyone is white. This is intended to train him.
It’s an absolute honor to be able to have dinner with the immortals.
Many people are envious.
"I appreciate the kindness of the fairy. I have been away from the door for many days. It’s ready to leave for home! ?”
"yes! Yes! Yes! Extremely important things! "
Zhao Muxian nodded, but he didn’t insist, "You can come to my fairy mansion for dinner whenever you want!"
This sentence is suspected to give Jiang Feng an open door at any time.
He will take care of it whenever he comes.
Jiang Feng nodded and trillion ShuEr polite a few words to set out for the sea of clouds fairy will be out of town.
A group of expensive people won’t stay.
The little girls in their family are all rushing back to see if there is any serious problem.
Just now, the fairy mansion was filled with people and suddenly vanished, leaving two people, Zhao Shuer Zhao Muxian.
Trillion Shuer looked at the distance vaguely absence.
"Shuer! ? Shuer! ?”
Zhaomu called for several trillion Shuer in a row before reacting "Father!"
"Are you okay! ?”
Zhao Shuer shook his head. "I’m fine. Thanks to Jiang Feng’s eldest brother, he can save me from fire and water."
Speak trillion Shuer little face some blush.
Zhaomu is a n experienced person. You can tell what she is thinking from her expression.
Look a little ugly "Shuer! You don’t like that little one anymore! ?”
Trillion wood fairy will ask
Zhao Shuer stunned and blushed more. "Father, what do you say? How can I like him!"
Zhaomu heart sank.
"Shuer! In the future, if you don’t go to the guard army for trial, you won’t be allowed to go anywhere, let alone see Jiang Feng again! "
Trillion ShuEr face a face full of consternation "what! ? Brother Jiang Feng is my savior! "
"That’s why you can’t meet her!"
Zhaomu suddenly waved his hand. "I do admit this little thing, but his identity is not worthy of us and he is not qualified to marry you!" "
"I immediately investigated him after he came. It is more important to be a stone body when he is a door brother."
"People who are destined to live and die are not worthy of you."
Trillion wood fairy will fierce a wave of his hand and said
Chapter 99 Cheat away the third type
Trillion Shuer’s heart is in a hurry.
Staring at his father’s mouth, he said, "But Brother Jiang Feng saved me!"
Her feelings for Jiang Feng are not like it.
It can be said that it is her father who is so fond of her that she is angry.
"I can repay him for saving you!"
"But … if he wants to climb the ladder, I will never show him mercy. If you are really good to him, then don’t continue to associate with him."

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