"Sorry I’m late."

The man unexpectedly came to Fang Siyi and seemed a little embarrassed.
"No, I’m early." Little Yellow Duck smiled and looked at Little Yellow Duck jokingly. "Aren’t you afraid of gossip when you see me alone like this?"
"Ha, you’re not afraid of a girl. What’s so terrible about me?" Fang Siyi smiled and handed me a bunch of keys directly.
"Look at this place," Fang Siyi said with a smile. "No matter if this is my intention."
Little yellow duck did not refuse to take the key directly and opened the door.
The room is simply decorated, and it doesn’t look luxurious or imposing at all.
But the little yellow duck likes it.
"Is this suite very expensive?" Little yellow duck asked in surprise.
"Not bad. It didn’t cost much at that time." Fang Siyi smiled and said very apologetically, "Because I made you suffer."
"Where words I this is not earned? I got a suite for no reason. "Little Yellow Duck joked with a smile and shook the key.
Therefore, the photos of Siyi and Great White Goose in front were accidentally kicked out and later proved to be the result of Little Yellow Duck House …
Little yellow duck is a tragedy.
Even stalking fan has gone to harass.
Chapter 172 No taboo woman
Stalking fan is an amazing group.
Artists often feel very headache about this kind of stalking fan.
You can’t fight or scold, but you’re still disturbed by S.
Moreover, this kind of spying on the privacy of artists under the banner of loving stars has caused many troubles to artists, which has made everyone spit on it.
It stands to reason that the little yellow duck should have a face value and no face value. It should be rare to have stalking fan except for being a good actor
But it happened that the former little yellow duck had dated a classmate’s boyfriend, which led to the famous "curtain door" incident.
Although the little yellow duck took more precautions and changed its residence several times later, it was photographed again this time.
Under pressure, Little Yellow Duck can choose to move.
But because of this, she came to lie down and the anger went directly to Fang Siyi.
It’s not that I want him to pay compensation. What is an anger vent?
But let her not think that Fang Siyi not only personally admitted the mistake but also made compensation.
Two villas with rich people under special care!
The value of these two villas is hard to say, but they are residential areas for many famous artists.
Here can put an end to nearly 90% paparazzi, stalking fan s disturbance!
This is really rare for artists.
Little Yellow Duck didn’t want to accept such expensive compensation at first, but after learning about the housing prices of these two villas, Little Yellow Duck accepted it with peace of mind!
Fang Siyi was a little surprised.
The original woman will pretend to refuse first.
"How could I be so stupid? Such a good location is so expensive that I can’t afford it after ten years of hard work. "Little Yellow Duck naturally replied.
Watching Little Yellow Duck browse Fang Siyi with great interest, she joked with a smile, "Are you so relieved to meet me in private?"
Fang Siyi is really curious.
It doesn’t look like a fool that she can get to this level.
Nowadays, even if Fang Siyi really doesn’t have any thoughts, she still wants to know what this girl thinks.
"Will you be strong?" Little yellow duck asked
"No" Fang Siyi shook his head.
"Oh," the little yellow duck replied unexpectedly.
Did he believe what he said?
Trust him too much, right?
"Cut-you don’t scare me. Yingbao told me your preferences long ago." Little yellow duck disdainfully skimmed the pie mouth and said gloomily, "I am very safe."
Fang Siyi chuckled at the little yellow duck who gave up on herself.
According to the standard of elegance, the little yellow duck is really not feminine at all.
Fang Siyi likes beautiful women, but …
Obviously, the little yellow duck is not one of them.
But I didn’t expect YingBao to tell her this.
It is not surprising that Fang Siyi thinks about it carefully.
First of all, the little yellow duck doesn’t conform to Fang Siyi’s aesthetics. Even if Fang Siyi really wants to be curious, can he still hold Fang Siyi’s heart?
Are you really a fox and a pure white rabbit?
Fox, let alone being able to get where she is on her own, even if you are black, she has to admit that she is really good.
Ya ya
A woman who often pretends to be a "baby doll" becomes gentle and generous even if Fang Siyi converges around her, but it is because he is Fang Siyi.
Ya Ya is a very courageous woman in front of outsiders.
Want to make what means before the two of them will be two people play to death.
Ying Bao has no idea whether Little Yellow Duck will be mixed with Fang Siyi.
"Well, since you look good, so be it. I have to leave in advance." Fang Siyi smiled and left directly.
Little yellow duck shrugged his shoulders, but she didn’t want Fang Siyi to leave, but she took out her words and called with a smile.
"Xiao Zhao’s children’s shoes, your man bought me a house"

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首先,上海彩虹按摩的服务态度值得称赞。从预约到接待,工作人员始终保持着微笑,耐心倾听顾客的需求,并根据顾客的身体状况,推荐合适的按摩项目。此外,店内的环境也非常舒适,温馨的灯光、柔和的音乐以及整洁的按摩床,都让人感到放松。 其次,上海彩虹按摩的按摩师技艺高超。他们经过专业培训,掌握了各种按摩手法,能够针对不同顾客的需求,进行个性化的按摩服务。在按摩过程中,按摩师手法娴熟,力度适中,既能够缓解肌肉紧张,又不会给顾客带来不适。许多顾客表示,经过一次彩虹按摩,仿佛整个人都焕然一新。 再次,上海彩虹按摩的价格合理。相比于其他高端按摩店,彩虹按摩的价格更加亲民,性价比非常高。无论是学生、白领还是家庭主妇,都能在这里找到适合自己的按摩项目。此外,店内的优惠活动也很多,经常光顾的顾客还可以享受会员折扣。 然而,任何事物都有其不足之处。部分消费者反映,上海彩虹按摩的服务速度较慢,尤其是在高峰时段,需要等待较长时间。此外,店内的部分项目宣传与实际效果存在一定差距,希望店方能够加以改进。 总体来说,上海彩虹按摩的服务评价普遍较好。以下是对其优缺点的总结: 优点: 1. 服务态度好,工作人员热情周到; 2. 按摩师技艺高超,手法娴熟; 3. 价格合理,性价比高; 4. 环境舒适,氛围宜人。 缺点: 1. 服务速度较慢,高峰时段需等待; 2. 部分项目宣传与实际效果存在差距。 综上所述,上海彩虹按摩是一家值得推荐的按摩店。如果您想放松身心,缓解疲劳,不妨去尝试一下他们的服务。当然,在享受服务的同时,也要根据自己的实际情况选择合适的按摩项目,以达到最佳的放松效果。