This dense fog … is a dream to eat offspring.

"You know everything," the dream food offspring said to Lin. "Get out of here now."
"That’s not everything." Lin told this dream-eating offspring something about angry insects and asked them what it was not recorded.
"No information" is the answer of the dream food descendants. "There is no information here about what you described. I don’t think this is our historical departure."
"How dare you let us leave?" "You we will listen to your instructions? We absolutely don’t obey the instructions that can’t protect things! "
Lin found that this dream eater seems to be more’ lang’ than before, and there is no longer so much answer, so Lin decided that the two small nuclear protectors were angry enough to ask more questions before launching an attack.
Lin went on to ask, "Why are you willing to share your … history with strangers?"
"Because of … the same kind", the offspring of the dream food said, "The same kind of signal was detected"
"the same kind?" Lin looked at the two small nuclear protectors next to her and said, "Do you mean them?"
"How can we be its kind! You slander us! " A small nuclear protector suddenly exclaimed.
"No … it’s you," the dreameater offspring said to Lin Rongqiu. "From you … we can detect … similar signals."
"Our history will be shared by two creatures."
"One is that we recognize things and we will tell them the history in a simpler way, and the other is that all the same kind can be counted," said the dream eater. "This has been stipulated from the beginning."
"Can you … elaborate on this question?"
This time Lin’s question was answered in detail rather than simply.
It’s … it’s interesting that some dream-eating offspring say that their "kind" does not refer to themselves, but includes all the phase creatures.
Including dream eaters and dreamers, dream eaters and dreamers … some distant creatures are also counted.
Far away is the place where dreamers first lived. From there, they came to this virtual space to show a series of things here.
Dreamweaver has a rule that recording history can show the same kind and recognized creatures, including some distant creatures.
And dream food offspring just detected it recognize Lin is from … distant creatures.
Chapter one thousand and sixty-six Pick it up
Dreamweaver’s initial life seems to be a mysterious place in the distance.
Even in history, they haven’t been to that place much.
And in that place, they have some familiar creatures, dreamers’ rules … Only those familiar creatures can know their own history and their own population.
But what are these creatures?
The dream-eating offspring in front of Lin said that it was not clear … but the rules of historical sharing were deeply engraved in the thinking of their whole population.
To feel like creatures that conform to the rules, they will promise to share history.
At first, they didn’t want to reply with extremely simple information … but they found that it didn’t seem to work.
So I can share their history with Lin.
This makes Lynn feel very interesting. Is she connected with that’ distant place’? Lin made this idea, but it is a pity that these dream eaters can’t explain that they don’t know whether the past belongs to the history of the dreamer or the dream eater to let them know.
Before the dreamer came to this void, the event has been forgotten by this race. The only thing that has not been forgotten is to share the historical rules beforehand.
Lin thinks that following this group of biological investigation should lead to more interesting things, and now Lin also has one thing that she is interested in, that is, transpiration.
There is no news about transpiration at the end of this period, but Lin can make this judgment.
Because the fear energy disappeared during this period and no longer covered the surface, it can be considered that the dreamer’s dream food plan was successful, which helped the transpirator to drive away the fear energy
At the same time, it also controls the micro-machinery, so that the micro-machinery … helps to evaporate.
Or this is what the transpirator fears when he does what the dreamer dreams of. Only after the energy leaves, the offspring will realize it, because no one will tell them about it.

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