This environmental change

Lin, some micro arms are flying in an interesting environment.
This is the shadow cover, and the rest of it doesn’t have the usual biological structure, but an area.
The shadow cover’ shell’ also insulates the surrounding environment like a layer of bubbles.
The other part is a different environment from the outside, a little like a chaotic area, which is constantly changing because of the shadow cover environment
However, its change speed is much slower than that in chaotic areas, which makes the brain change the shadow environment without analysis, and it takes thousands of seconds to change it once.
The scenery inside is also very different from that outside.
For example, during this change, Lin saw a piece of white, and there were many square objects floating in this white.
It is interesting that these objects can be touched, but they will disappear in a flash after a change of scenery.
Every time the scenery changes, it’s very different. Sometimes it’s just a place with nothing, and sometimes these touchable things appear.
These things are made up of’ substances’ that Lin has never seen before, and nothing special will happen if you touch them.
It’s obviously very interesting if the shadow mask is a creature. It’s a completely different creature.
I don’t know if it can go to other emptiness.
The residents here regard it as a creature, but they don’t cover up the shadow as a special phenomenon. This is what Irsh gave them … cognition.
Just like their thirst for knowledge, they also have the ability to distinguish whether various things appear in chaos are biological or not
It can also be said that the shadow mask is a creature, which is the definition of Qianershi.
However, according to Lin’s current observation, it is difficult to judge what it is.
But there are some things in the shadow cover that are really biological, and they will appear in certain environments.
Lin thought that when the surrounding white scenery disappeared, it became a … sticky environment.
There are large bloody objects floating around, and these objects are constantly stirring themselves like paste.
These rivers and lakes can see long objects flying. They look like prisms and triangular rings connected together to form a 100-meter strip.
These things are called’ magic chains’ by the residents here, which is a kind of chaotic creatures.
They have attacked the surface residents before, and there were a lot of’ magic chains’ when they attacked.
And even if they appear on the surface in large numbers, all the’ magic chains’ will disappear after the residents call the shadow cover.
So these magic chains live in the shadow department
Maybe they are not alive, but structures made by shadows.
These creatures only appear when they switch to certain environments.
Of course, it’s not a magic chain. Lin can also see many creatures here as the shadow mask switches to various environments.
Most of these creatures are not very big, and the largest is hundreds of meters.
Many creatures are creatures that attacked the residents here and then were’ swallowed up’ by the shadows.
They are all in several shapes and have no similar limb structure … Of course, they are also touchable.
When Lin studied, the shadow covered the outside, and it still looked nothing special.
And those surface residents have put up with it.
They think that if the shadow continues to be unresponsive, the death battleship will definitely destroy their city.
So they intend to … make more dangerous moves.
Lin found that many buildings sent out attractive signals again.
They want to attract other chaotic creatures. If a new chaotic creature comes, it may make the shadow cover attack it.
When the Shadow Cover attacks, it will sweep away all the chaotic creatures around it, including the death battleship.
Lynn didn’t stop them because she also wanted to see what the shadow cover was like when it attacked.
So after waiting for a while, Lin saw another chaotic creature that was attracted.
The entry mode of this chaotic creature is relatively common now. It comes directly through the edge of the bubble.
It looks a bit like … a bunch of spheres.
The maximum is 100 meters, and the minimum is 10 meters. They look black and white, and there are hundreds of such spheres gathering together and moving like a neat swarm.
This creature looks interesting, and the main thing is that local residents don’t have such biological memories.
It seems to be a new creature.
Every time this resident attracts, it attracts different creatures, and occasionally some new species like this appear.
However, this’ black and white ball group’ did not fly directly to the tumbling side but flew in the other direction.
That direction has a … Captain.
It escaped from the death battleship before, captain. It’s almost on the edge now, just a few hundred kilometers away from where the ball group came in.
The group of balls seemed to see it and immediately rushed at it, perhaps because it was far away and didn’t respond.
The captain also found himself being chased, so he accelerated to fly in one direction.
Lynn found that the captain flew to the edge of the bubble and turned to it. It didn’t seem to want to fly into chaos, but it kept flying to the edge.
It doesn’t fly as fast as the balls, which are approaching it quickly. When the latest ball reaches one kilometer, the balls are scattered.
As these balls slowly disperse, their shapes also flash.
They become a little blurred like damaging the screen.
They did not directly contact the captain and the captain’s cabin, but most of the balls became blurred, and the captain’s cabin became blurred.

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摘要: 在繁忙的都市生活中,寻找一处可以放松身心、舒缓压力的地方变得尤为重要。上海,这座充满活力的国际大都市,以其独特的魅力吸引着无数游客和本地居民。而全天候桑拿,正成为上海都市生活的新时尚,为忙碌的人们提供了一个理想的放松去处。 正文: 一、全天候桑拿的兴起 随着生活节奏的加快,工作压力的增大,越来越多的人开始重视身心健康。在这样的背景下,全天候桑拿作为一种新型的休闲娱乐方式,在上海迅速兴起。它不仅提供传统的桑拿浴服务,还融合了健身、按摩、餐饮等多种功能,满足了人们多元化的休闲需求。 二、上海全天候桑拿的特色 1. 丰富的桑拿体验 上海全天候桑拿馆通常设有多种桑拿房,包括韩式汗蒸、日式温泉、泰式草药蒸等多种特色桑拿,满足不同人群的需求。此外,部分桑拿馆还提供露天桑拿,让顾客在享受桑拿的同时,也能感受大自然的气息。 2. 一站式休闲服务 除了传统的桑拿浴服务,上海全天候桑拿馆还提供一系列休闲服务,如健身器材、按摩、美容、餐饮等。顾客在享受桑拿的同时,可以尽情放松身心,享受生活。 3. 舒适的环境 上海全天候桑拿馆在装修风格上注重舒适与时尚,营造出轻松愉悦的氛围。同时,为了保证顾客的隐私,大部分桑拿馆都采用独立包间,让顾客在享受服务的过程中更加放心。 4. 优质的服务 上海全天候桑拿馆拥有一支专业的服务团队,为顾客提供热情、周到的服务。从预约、接待到桑拿过程中的服务,都体现了以人为本的服务理念。 三、上海全天候桑拿的优势 1. 便捷的交通 上海全天候桑拿馆遍布全市,交通便利,方便顾客就近选择。部分桑拿馆位于商业区、地铁站附近,方便顾客在购物、游玩后前往放松。 2. 适合各类人群 全天候桑拿馆的服务项目丰富,适合不同年龄、性别、职业的人群。无论是商务人士、上班族,还是学生、家庭,都能在这里找到适合自己的休闲方式。 3. 优惠的价格 上海全天候桑拿馆在保证服务质量的前提下,提供合理的价格。部分桑拿馆还推出会员卡、团购等优惠活动,让顾客在享受高品质服务的同时,也能节省开支。 四、结语 全天候桑拿已成为上海都市生活的新时尚,它为忙碌的人们提供了一个理想的放松去处。在这里,你可以尽情释放压力,享受生活。随着人们对健康、休闲需求的不断提升,相信全天候桑拿将在上海乃至全国范围内得到更广泛的认可和喜爱。


上海利之星养生中心位于繁华的上海市中心,占地面积约2000平方米。中心以“以人为本,健康至上”为服务宗旨,致力于为顾客提供全方位的养生保健服务。在这里,顾客可以享受到专业的养生指导、舒适的休闲环境以及丰富的养生项目。 首先,上海利之星养生中心拥有一支专业的养生团队。这些团队成员均具有丰富的养生经验和专业的技能,可以为顾客提供个性化的养生方案。无论是中医养生、按摩保健,还是美容美体,养生中心都能为顾客提供高质量的服务。 其次,养生中心的环境舒适宜人。中心内部装饰简约大方,营造出一种宁静、舒适的氛围。宽敞明亮的休息区、整洁舒适的更衣室以及功能齐全的健身器材,让顾客在享受养生服务的同时,也能感受到家的温馨。 在养生项目方面,上海利之星养生中心种类繁多。以下是一些受欢迎的项目: 1. 中医养生:通过中医理论,运用中药、针灸、拔罐等传统方法,调理身体,达到保健养生的目的。 2. 按摩保健:专业按摩师运用手法,缓解肌肉紧张,促进血液循环,缓解疲劳。 3. 美容美体:采用先进的美容设备和技术,为顾客提供面部护理、身体塑形等服务。 4. 健身运动:中心设有健身房,配备多种健身器材,顾客可以根据自己的需求进行锻炼。 5. 食疗养生:养生中心提供营养均衡的膳食,结合中医理论,为顾客提供健康美味的养生食品。 6. 休闲养生:设有茶室、棋牌室等休闲区域,顾客可以在这里放松心情,享受生活。 此外,上海利之星养生中心还定期举办各类养生讲座和活动,邀请专家为顾客讲解养生知识,提高顾客的健康意识。 总之,上海利之星养生中心凭借其专业的团队、舒适的环境和丰富的养生项目,成为了广大市民追求健康养生的理想之地。在这里,顾客可以尽情享受养生带来的快乐,为自己的身心健康保驾护航。