上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所 Qingchen poked at the truth as soon as she guessed. She was a little unhappy and said, "I didn’t know he would meet you. I didn’t intend to tell you those things."

Qingchen poked at the truth as soon as she guessed. She was a little unhappy and said, "I didn’t know he would meet you. I didn’t intend to tell you those things."

Chen Chi couldn’t hear the anger in his tone. "Do you have a solution to this matter?"
"I don’t know, but if you think about it carefully, you should still be able to find a way, but there is no way. The big deal is that the program is off the air …" Qingchen said that she had fully adjusted her mentality. Although she may still be a little sad when the program is off the air, she can accept it calmly since it is a law to reverse reality.
In the morning, Chen Chi suddenly stepped on the brakes and stopped at the side of the road.
I don’t know what happened. I just turned my head to look at Chenchi and wanted to ask him when I saw his gloomy face.
Chen Chi’s calm face tone also showed displeasure. "The big deal is to stop broadcasting? Have you thought about what effect it will have if it stops broadcasting? You have worked hard for so many years, and your future development has been limited because of this incident. Can you still say it so easily? "
Green morning froze "… you … what are you doing so angry …"
This is her own problem, but she is not so excited.
"What am I angry about? You don’t know why I’m angry? " Chen Chi gritted his teeth and looked at Qing Chen’s eyes, which made Qing Chen feel that he was about to take himself apart.
"This is my own business. I’ll think of some way to solve it … you’re not angry with me." Qing Chen’s calm voice was not so confident
Chenchi took a deep breath and slowed down her tone. "I’m worried about you."
"I know thank you, but it’s true that even if the program stops broadcasting, it doesn’t mean that I can’t be a host after." Qingchen deliberately smiled and wanted to ease the atmosphere.
But Chen Chi’s worry actually made her feel bad.
"But you really don’t know why I’m so angry?" Chen Chi stared at the morning eyes with unprecedented seriousness and seriousness.
Qingchen’s consciousness also converged, and his expression was a little uneasy and he said, "… What?"
She heard her heart thumping, as if she had a premonition that Chenchi was going to talk next.
Finally, Chenchi almost gnashed her teeth. "What annoys me most in Qingchen is that you know I can help you but don’t come to me. In your heart, I can’t think of someone in your most difficult time?"
Alas, Professor Chen is heartbroken ~ Comfort ~
Then push an article, "The black boss dotes on body double’s wife", and the butterflies fly around.
"How can I know that I like a woman?"
"Want to sleep with her"
Yan Shao wanted to sleep with Yang Xiaoning the first time he saw her. This is the only woman he wants to sleep with.
But the facts are unpredictable.
When Yan Shao saw Yang Xiaoning, she still smiled beautifully, but she was lying in a cold coffin.
Straight a woman named early summer and autumn appeared in his sight, forcefully tore a hole in his heart, drilled into it, occupied it and slept him for a generation.
☆ haper 7 I like you.
Qing Chen recognized his displeasure from Chen Chi’s tone at the moment.
She seldom saw Chen Chi talking to her in such a serious tone, without any jokes. She looked at her carefully and waited for her answer.
Qingchen’s hands clenched into fists unconsciously. She can’t deny that Chenchi’s words have had a great influence on her.
Chenchi buckled Qingchen’s back neck and continued to stare at her. She has a tendency not to let her go if she doesn’t answer today.
Qingchen’s heart is beating fast, and my mind is numb. I don’t know what to answer Chenchi.
Did she really not think about him when she was in trouble and difficulty?
But Qingchen can’t admit it, because she knows that this is the last bottom line she insists on. How can she escape the temptation from him when she exposes all her feelings to Chenchi?
Qingchen knows that she is in a very twisted mood now, but she has to let herself be so twisted, because she is still worried that one step forward will not be a scene of flowers, but an abyss will smash her to pieces.
When the car atmosphere fell into a strange silence, there was a sudden knock on the window outside.
Then someone said, "Sir, you can’t park here. Please move the car."
Qingchen looked out of the window, and there was a small policeman wearing a hat outside.
Chenchi closed her eyes and hid all her emotions in her eyes, then let Qingchen shake the window and then cooperated to accept the ticket.
When Chenchi got back on the bus and left in the morning, he relaxed the atmosphere and said with a smile, "Oh, you will get a ticket, too."
"I’ve heard that someone got a ticket before, and then I went to find someone to get into trouble with the traffic police when I was angry." Qingchen said that some dude brothers in Beijing wanted to exercise their power everywhere by bullying their family.
Chenchi shook his head. These people would never do that.
Although they are generally a little knowledgeable about the license plates they hang on their cars, they will not take the initiative to come and look for trouble, but sometimes they will be fined when they meet new people, but their records will be cleaned up regularly and they will have to pick things up again
The atmosphere eased a little, and Qingchen quietly relieved at the bottom of my heart.
But a second Chen Chi’s words made her hang up her heart again.
"We haven’t finished just now, so don’t even think about it." Chen Chi’s voice was calm, but Qing Chen recognized the unsettled meaning from the inside.
She scratched her hair. What should I do …
Chenchi also said, "How many programs have been changed?"
Qingchen doesn’t know why Chenchi asked herself this question. She wanted to answer, "There are sixteen issues in this season, but six issues have already been released, so there are still ten issues."
Qingchen looked at him, and there was still a trace of unhappiness in Chenchi’s face, but the facial lines were softer than before.
Qingchen didn’t know where Chenchi was taking herself today, and by the time she reacted, she was outside a luxury restaurant in Beijing.
"What are we going to do?" Qing Chen asked
"Eating" Chen Chi is concise and to the point.
"Why do you want to come here for dinner …" Although Qingchen and Chenchi have eaten many times, they will take her to some very delicate places, unlike here, which is nothing but expensive.
Chenchi parked the car and leaned close to Qingchen again. He whispered, "Let’s discuss the unfinished topic before going in?"
"… actually don’t discuss?" Qingchen felt that she wanted to escape from this topic.
Chen Chi smiled a low "must"
"Well …" Qingchen was very frustrated and leaned back with a feeling of resignation, because it seems that Chenchi won’t give up until she discusses this problem with her today.
"Just tell me why you don’t want to ask me for help, huh?" Chenchi learned the news from Minister Wang. Qingchen knew that he could find this thing, but he still didn’t choose to find him. This is what he wants to know most.
"You have helped me a lot." Qingchen bit her lips a little more delicate and touching. "And this time it’s not like before. If you help me again, how can I …"
Qingchen didn’t finish because if Chenchi helped, she couldn’t pay him back.

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