上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所 Small Kato Jun’s eyes wander again, which means that even if Duanmu Sen gave him the part of carving bone flowers, he didn’t intend to end our marriage, and he would continue to do so no matter what.

Small Kato Jun’s eyes wander again, which means that even if Duanmu Sen gave him the part of carving bone flowers, he didn’t intend to end our marriage, and he would continue to do so no matter what.

After all this, Koji Kato said that he disdained to get carved bone flowers from Duanmu Sen, and asked me if I knew that carved bone flowers were needed for long pills.
Listen to little Kato Jun always cut to the chase. I said I knew that part of the carved bone flowers. I didn’t hear Duanmu Sen carved bone flowers.
Little Kato Jun said that Duanmu Sen was an old fox. I said that maybe Duanmu Sen really had more than enough bone flowers. He might as well make a pretence and see if he could get more bone flowers from Duanmu Sen.
Kato Koji said it was hard to say. Duanmu Sen said that if he wanted anything more from Duanmu Sen, he had to tell him which one to deal with Duanmu Sen.
Patience after listening to Mr. Kato’s words, I said in a cold voice that since Mr. Kato had evacuated his hand from the vicinity of the shallow shrine, it was unnecessary for him to call again.
He has already made a deal with Duanmu Sen, which means that my agreement is over. It is a slippery thing to continue my agreement at the moment.
He’s not going to deal with Duanmu Sen, so I’ll do it myself
If he thinks he can get benefits by betraying me, he can betray me.
At this point, I just hung up.
I saw little Kato Jun. After I hung up, I got agitated and paced for a while, and then I asked old Kato Jun for help again.
I will disconnect the invisible paper man when I come here, and then I will go to see the old Kato gentleman through the invisible paper man. What’s the bad idea of the little Kato gentleman at last?
Wang Xiaopeng said at this time that I don’t need Xiao Kato to talk so much. I said that acting needs to be done. Xiao Kato is easy to deal with, but old Kato is an old fox.
After the meal in the restaurant, I will wait for Tian Shanao to leave and ask Wang Shaopeng about Minhou Wang. Should I go and get the ball and ask Minhou Wang for that little wish?
Wang Xiaopeng said that he would contact Minhou Wang later.
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Ask Minhou Wang when he has seen me recently, and he will let me know as soon as he has definite news.
I said thank you to Wang Xiaopeng for coming home after leaving.
Just after washing, Takuya Kimura called and asked me if I had recovered. When can I go to class?
Kimura’s inquiry made me immediately think that it might be Tian Shanao’s excuse that I was ill. I asked for leave. I said I had recovered and I could go to class in a day. Thank him for his heart.
Takuya Kimura said that it would be good to say that he came to listen to Tian Shanao and said that he wanted to see me after I got sick. Who knows that Tian Shanao said that he didn’t know my address? After he asked him to ask for leave for me, his mobile phone couldn’t get through.
Takuya Kimura chatted with me for a few more words, and then he hung up. I went to the basement to light the ancient lamp and practice the little dance together with Goo Zi and Feng Er Protein Fox. It is still a free activity.
It didn’t take me long to practice. My cell phone rang again. It was Dan Tai Li.
After talking with Dan Tai Li, I asked Dan Tai Li’s enchantment division how long the enchantment could last, and whether it was possible to break it.
Dan Tai Li asked me why I had such a problem, and I said that I suddenly remembered that there was an enchantment.
Dan Tai Li said that how long the enchantment can last varies. It has something to do with the skill of the enchanter, but it may last less than three seconds for many years.
Under normal circumstances, the ward owner can control life and death in the ward, and the big ward owner is the king in the ward.
When the person’s demon skill is ten times higher than that of the owner of the enchantment, the abnormal situation will appear, and the enchantment may be sleepy for a short time, and the person’s demon may be useless.
Breaking the enchantment will do some harm to the owner of the enchantment.
After listening to Dan Tai Glass’s answer, I asked if the speed arrangement array in Dan Tai Glass Enchantment would be harmed by the owner of the Enchantment.
Dan Tai glass said that he didn’t know, after all, whether it was the enchantment or the law was rare in this world. He knew that when people entered the enchantment under normal circumstances, ghosts and demons were hiding.
"Little master, did you want to tell elder brother that your heart brother will speed up and run back?" Dan Tai Li Huan took off his voice.
"Things are almost finished?" I can’t help but smile at the expression of Dan Tai Glass at the moment.
"Nobody’s ghost market has gone through several changes, and now I can rest assured and have the ability. It took a long time for Togo to come back to deal with things this time and to deliberately make trouble." Dan Tai Li explained.
"Deliberately causing trouble is related to Zuo Si?" After listening to Dan Tai’s words, I slightly wrinkled my forehead.
"Is the right company to now or wait-and-see state? Sooner or later, it is necessary to control the hands of the left company." Dan Tai Li Yin sank
"There is no way for him to play against the left company except relying on the right company?" I was in a bad mood.
"I’ve set out to find the Seven Ghosts of the Qinhe River. Now I hope that the Seven Ghosts of the Qinhe River can really deter Zuo Si after they gather together." Dan Tai Li answered my question with a starting point in her tone.
When I heard the Seven Ghosts of Dan Tai Lihe River, I told Dan Tai that I tracked the invisible paper men in Baiyun to get two Seven Ghosts of Lihe River from Baiyun.
Dan Tai Li said that he knew that these two ghosts had been found by now.
Dan Tai glass at this point also change the subject, no longer specific things began to play tricks to amuse me.
"Sister Ran, I want to say a few words with Brother Li." Goo Tsai came to my side and looked at me with his little face upturned.
Seeing that Yin Zhu has been ignoring me with a small face after coming out at home, Goo Zi stopped practicing at this time and took the initiative to come and talk to me. I was in distress situation and was seriously injured.
I know Goo Tsai’s reaction must be to tell Dan Tai Li about the rhythm.
Squatting down, picking up Goo-goo’s baby fat cheeks and taking a sip, I whispered to Goo-goo, and then handed Goo-goo the phone.
Some time ago, I smoked and cooked a beggar chicken for Goo Zi. After eating it, Goo Zi praised my cooking and was obsessed with the taste.

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