Mendes never prepares for war.

He wants to sign a contract with Linsen. He needs to know Linsen. He is going to let Linsen sign a contract with Manchester City. He must know the most important person. This person is Manchester City President Mubarak.
To some extent, Mendes and Mubarak actually have something in common, that is, they are both businessmen, and they both regard football as a business. Of course, their different experiences doomed them to be different people.
Although Mendes played football, his former identity is best known as a video rental vendor. Because this identity can better reflect Mendes’ success and inspiration, just as many people always say that Mourinho used to be a translator, it is this identity that the Portuguese gradually became the shape of the current brokerage tycoon. When Mendes, people prefer a word that is fine.
Mubarak, on the other hand, is another kind of businessman. After he graduated from the best education in the world, he was given the opportunity to help the richest people in the world manage their business. Before he became the president of Manchester City, he was influenced by the ivory tower of Mansour family, which made Mubarak’s theory show elegance in appearance and temperament.
Mendes has not dealt with people like Mubarak. They always like to talk about plans and set rules for everything, and then do things step by step. However, it is undeniable that such people are very rational. When negotiating with them, it is difficult for you to influence their judgment through other things. Before the meeting, Mendes must make sure that his side is prepared to deal with various problems.
Mendes knew Mubarak, but Mendes probably wouldn’t have thought Mubarak knew someone, but it wasn’t him but Lin Sen.
One fact that no one knows is that Mubarak actually met Linsen. Of course, at that time, he didn’t know that Linsen was the head coach of Malaga, because Linsen had just signed a contract with Malaga and he had not set foot in football.
At that time, a friend of his who was wearing a robe accidentally stepped on the stairs and fell to his arm. The crew sent him a broadcast to look for a doctor, and they found Lin Sen. In less than two minutes, Lin Sen turned his friend who was sweating with pain into a normal person and let him watch him. He didn’t ask what happened after Lin Sen went, but he knew what happened at a glance, which of course left a deeper impression on Mubarak, and also because of Lin Sen’s subsequent style.
Mubarak himself may never meet this China person again in his life. Of course, this is not a pity until he accepted Mansour’s entrustment to be the president of Manchester City and then saw Linsen’s face again by chance, which surprised Mubarak. He even deliberately checked Linsen’s information in his spare time, of course, limited to the Internet, and then he found that he really found an interesting person, a team doctor, a coach, Atletico Madrid and Malaga … It is obviously much more exciting than Mubarak Linsen’s life, which has been smooth since birth.
By all accounts, Mendes really attracted Mubarak’s attention for the third time with the name of Linsen, and to be exact, this time was Mubarak’s real attention to Linsen because this time was of great importance.
Geographically speaking, Manchester is not the largest city in Britain, but geographically speaking, it is the largest city in Britain. Even in the whole European football, it is also the most important. Figure 1 Manchester owes its football status to a team in this city, that is, Manchester United, and of course, to one person, that is, Sir Alex Ferguson.
Since the sixth century, Ferguson, who succeeded Atkinson in charge of Manchester United, has been in charge for 23 years and will be extended to rule. He has brought eleven league titles, two champions league titles and countless other cup titles to Manchester. The old jazz is a step away from his biggest dream of "pulling Liverpool from the top of the Premier League", which was considered a joke at that time.
It can be said that without Ferguson, there would be no Manchester United now
Of course, for coming to Manchester Linsen, he didn’t come to look forward to Ferguson’s miracle, he came to look for the opportunity to become sworn enemies with Ferguson
When Tomlinson and Mendes landed at Manchester International Airport, it was unexpected that a reporter had been waiting for an interview at the airport. Although before Tomlinson could react, Mendes helped Tomlinson block the car with a professional smile, and then they sat together and went straight to the city square. Tomlinson was in distress situation.
Obviously, this is Mendes’ tactics again. Although I don’t know why Mendes wants to appear in Manchester City, it is certain that the appearance of those reporters is no accident.
The meeting place was set in a coffee shop in the city square, which was officially designated by Manchester City as a celebration place, not in the headquarters of Manchester City. This meant the same thing as an interview with Lin Sen in Malaga. Obviously, the other party didn’t recognize this meeting as a formal meeting, although it didn’t seem to be much different from a formal meeting from the level.
Mendes kept telling Tomlinson what to pay attention to and what to focus on when we met for a while, just like a mother recalling an interview. Tomlinson couldn’t help feeling something in her heart, but the scenery outside the car window was different. Compared with Malaga, Manchester, the second most prosperous city in Britain and the first industrial city in the world, was more in line with many people’s definition of a city, such as towering buildings, dense traffic and Gothic buildings full of historical weight …
Mendes made a few phone calls. Lin Sen didn’t deliberately listen to what Mendes said, but some words still could tell that he was communicating with people in Manchester City, which is probably when confirming the place. Wait until the car came to the city square. Mendes and Lin Sen walked to a cafe for a few minutes.
It was almost ten minutes before the scheduled meeting, which made Linsen not think that two people were already waiting when he and Mendes entered the box.
An Arab and an Englishman.
Mubarak looked up when he saw Mendes push the door and went in, but his eyes were not on Mendes, but on Lin Sen’s back.
Mubarak knew Linsen, but Linsen didn’t know Mubarak at that time. He took a look at the injured man and then pulled away. It took less than five minutes to go back and forth, let alone Mubarak, the injured Arab. Now he doesn’t know him either.
After confirming that Linsen didn’t recognize himself, Mubarak smiled and then got up and held out his hand.
Shake hands, introduce yourself, greet.
Although both sides try to downplay the dignified atmosphere of the interview and make it look more like a few friends getting together to talk, this is the simple ceremony of the interview. After the ceremony, Mubarak did not tell Linsen that they had met, and both sides entered the topic.
"Before we start today’s topic, we hope Mr. Lin can understand that if we both want to keep silent about this meeting today," Gary Cook said. Obviously, he was taking precautions, suggesting that Mr. Lin was not the only choice for Manchester City.
But as soon as this sentence came out, Mendes frowned and said, "I’m afraid it’s hard not to tell you that a reporter saw us when we were on the plane."
"reporter?" Gary Cook was stunned.
"But maybe someone leaked the news." Mendes looked straight at the other party and seemed to recognize that the air leak must be from Manchester City.
"How is that possible …" Gary Cook frowned. He didn’t expect this to happen.
Looking at Mendes, Lin Sen shook his head and smiled bitterly. Is this what Mendes wants? Will the other army from the beginning?
"No, let’s get down to business," Mubarak said faintly, and immediately skipped the matter. "I personally appreciate Lin’s work in Malaga, but I have a question. It seems that Malaga plays defensive football in the season. Is this your coaching style?"
Mubarak’s first question made Mendes frown.
Every team has its own style. Some clubs accept the team to adapt to the head coach, while others need the head coach to adapt to the team. What style football team is Manchester City? Mark Hughes led Manchester City to play offensive football in the season, but before the season, he packed up and accepted Kassel’s offense and defense, which was more balanced, but he still failed to say the club.
What kind of answer is what Manchester City wants? In fact, it is very likely that no one will know except Mubarak. Because there is no standard answer, this question actually belongs to Mendes’ most worrying uncontrollable problem because it has something to do with Linsen’s ability and style.
At this time, Mendes stretched out a hand and put it on the table at will.
That’s what he agreed with Tomlinson, or gave Tomlinson a signal that was vague.
Chapter DiYiLing Truth
Before the chapter, I thanked the two friends for the rain and the rain, and they were rewarded for saving their lives.
The so-called vagueness does not mean not answering, but being ambiguous.
Because for Linsen, the probability of Mubarak’s answer to this question is 50%, and Linsen can give an ambiguous answer.
Tomlinson naturally knows what Mendes means, but now he doesn’t want to be vague.
If Tomlinson didn’t want to make a simple meeting so complicated as a battlefield, he needed to cheat, but Mendes thought it was right. Tomlinson cherished this opportunity very much. If he could enter Manchester City, it would always be a big step. Tomlinson asked Mendes for some things, but most of them chose to cooperate, but cooperation was selective.
Just like Mubarak, if the interview is more popular, it’s like a blind date. You can lie about anything except when the other person asks you what kind of person you are. Because blind date is a marriage, it’s not a one-off deal. This is bound to bring everything back to the truth. The lie will be exposed one day. Of course, Lin Sen can give Mubarak a vague answer, but if the other person doesn’t recognize his teaching style, Lin Sen thinks it may be really unnecessary to continue talking.

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踏入茶馆,一股浓郁的茶香扑面而来,让人瞬间陶醉。古色古香的木制桌椅,青砖灰瓦的屋顶,墙上挂着老舍先生的名篇《茶馆》的插图,一切仿佛都在诉说着那段沧桑的历史。 茶馆的布局别具一格,分为上下两层。楼下是茶艺展示区,茶艺师们手法娴熟地泡制着一壶壶香茗,为游客们表演茶艺。楼上的茶座则宽敞舒适,顾客们或品茗闲聊,或观赏茶艺表演,好不热闹。 坐在茶馆的角落,点上一壶清茶,静静地品味。那淡淡的茶香,仿佛在诉说着老舍先生笔下茶馆的故事。这里曾是旧上海滩的一个缩影,无数故事在这里上演,无数人物在这里留下了足迹。 品茗之际,茶馆内不时传来阵阵欢声笑语。这里不仅是品茗的好去处,还是欣赏各种表演的绝佳场所。京剧、越剧、曲艺、魔术等精彩表演轮番上演,让人目不暇接。 茶馆内的一位老者,身着长衫,手持折扇,边品茗边讲述着老上海的故事。他说,老舍茶馆见证了上海的风雨变迁,也见证了无数人的悲欢离合。这里的一砖一瓦,一桌一椅,都充满了历史的痕迹。 时光荏苒,岁月如梭。如今的老舍茶馆,已成为上海的一个文化符号。它承载着上海的历史与文化,传承着老舍先生的精神。在这里,品茗时光,仿佛穿越时空,让人领略到上海的风情万种。 夜幕降临,华灯初上。上海老舍茶馆内依然热闹非凡。游客们在这里畅饮香茗,观赏表演,度过了一个又一个愉快的夜晚。品茗时光,不仅让人放松身心,更让人在历史的长河中寻找到一份宁静与慰藉。 上海老舍茶馆,这座充满京味儿的茶馆,已成为无数人心中的故乡。在这里,品茗时光,让我们感受到了上海的魅力,也让我们对这座繁华都市有了更深的认识。


首先,位于徐汇区的“一茶一坐”连锁店,是上海茗茶休闲之地的一大代表。这里环境优雅,装修风格简约而不失品味。店内设有多个包间,供顾客品茗、聊天、商务洽谈。在这里,你可以品尝到来自各地的茗茶,如龙井、碧螺春、铁观音等。同时,这里的点心、小吃也是一绝,让你在品味茶香的同时,也能满足味蕾的需求。 其次,位于黄浦区的“张小泉茶馆”有着悠久的历史。这家茶馆始建于1920年,历经百年风雨,依然保持着传统的茶文化。走进茶馆,仿佛穿越回了民国时期。这里的服务员身着旗袍,面带微笑,为顾客泡上一杯热气腾腾的茶。在这里,你可以品尝到正宗的上海红茶、龙井、碧螺春等。此外,茶馆内还设有戏曲表演,让你在品茗的同时,欣赏到传统的戏曲艺术。 再者,位于长宁区的“江南春茶馆”也是上海茗茶休闲之地的一颗明珠。这家茶馆以江南水乡为主题,环境优美,茶香四溢。在这里,你可以品尝到各种名茶,如西湖龙井、黄山毛峰、碧螺春等。茶馆内还设有茶艺表演,让顾客在品茗的同时,感受茶文化的魅力。 此外,上海还有许多其他茗茶休闲之地,如位于静安区的“静安茶馆”、位于普陀区的“红枫茶馆”等。这些茶馆各具特色,为上海市民提供了一个放松身心的好去处。 在上海茗茶休闲之地,你不仅可以品尝到各种名茶,还能感受到浓厚的茶文化氛围。在这里,你可以放下繁忙的工作,与朋友、家人共度美好时光。茶香四溢,让人心旷神怡,仿佛置身于世外桃源。 总之,上海茗茶休闲之地是这座城市中的一抹宁静。在这里,你可以尽情地品味茶香,感受生活的美好。如果你是茶文化的爱好者,不妨去这些地方走一走,体验一下上海茗茶休闲之地的独特魅力。


首先,浦口的上海茶饮服务在原料选择上独具匠心。选用上等茶叶,如龙井、碧螺春、大红袍等,保证茶饮的原汁原味。同时,注重食材的搭配,如鲜果、坚果、奶制品等,丰富茶饮口感,满足消费者多样化的需求。 其次,浦口的上海茶饮服务在制作工艺上追求极致。从泡茶、调饮到装饰,每个环节都严格把控,力求呈现最佳的口感和视觉效果。泡茶师们凭借丰富的经验,将茶叶的香气和滋味发挥到极致,为消费者带来一场视觉与味觉的双重享受。 再者,浦口的上海茶饮服务在店面设计上独具特色。以现代简约风格为主,融入中国传统茶文化元素,营造出一个舒适、优雅的茶饮空间。在这里,消费者可以尽情品味茶饮,感受茶文化的魅力。 此外,浦口的上海茶饮服务还注重与消费者的互动。通过举办各类茶文化活动,如茶艺表演、茶艺培训等,让消费者在品茶的同时,了解茶文化,感受茶道精神。同时,茶饮店还提供个性化定制服务,根据消费者的喜好,打造专属茶饮。 值得一提的是,浦口的上海茶饮服务在保证品质的同时,还关注环保。使用可降解的环保材料,减少塑料垃圾的产生,为地球环境贡献一份力量。 总之,浦口的上海茶饮服务以其独特的魅力,吸引了众多茶饮爱好者。在这里,你可以品尝到各式各样的茶饮,感受茶文化的韵味。无论是朋友聚会、商务洽谈,还是独自享受悠闲时光,浦口的上海茶饮服务都能为你带来美好的体验。让我们一起走进浦口,品味茶香四溢的美好时光。