
"….." Is there something wrong with this product?
Shu Lele raised his hand and pointed to the porridge on the table and smiled, "Little Dust, I’m hungry. Feed me!"
"good! Yes! "
NingYiChen two steps across the past seems to be this just confirmed the fact that Shu Lele really woke up a hug her in my arms low call two "Lele! You’re really back! How nice! "
It hurts to be hugged by him. Shu Lele frowned lightly and smiled. "I said I would come back, and I will come back naturally. Dust will make you suffer!"
She obviously felt that he had lost weight, but his arms were still strong and his arms were still so warm and reassuring.
Shu Lele took a few mouthfuls of his unique breath in his arms and hugged his waist with his hands. "Dust, dust, we will never be apart again!"
"well! Never part again! "
"But ….." Shu Lele looked gloomy. "I still don’t have it ……"
"….." NingYiChen arm a shake busy took her little face looks into her face guilty "Lele I’m sorry! I will definitely give you a few thoughts later, okay? "
Holy shit! He really answered that sentence!
Shu Lele gave him a bitterness tunnel, "But it won’t be like this!"
"How do you know it won’t be? I have made a deal with Xier that he will come back. If he doesn’t come back, we will live until he is willing to come back. "
"Shu Lele can express his thoughts at the moment."
And suddenly I remembered a few smiles outside the window. Listen to the sound, and you smile the most happily.
Shu Lele blushed and punched Ning Yichen. "Look at those nonsense you just said. They are laughing!"
"Then what can we do to make them envy?" Ning Yichen was extremely ashamed to kiss Shu Lele’s little face and show his moral integrity to the fullest again.
Three people out of the window finally slipped away, covering their eyes.
Ningyichen at the moment but picked up the bowl mouthful feed into the Shule le mouth.
"Happy, we think you need to eat more and get better soon."
"What else do you want to eat after eating porridge?"
"No, Jun Shaoyan said that this porridge is added with materials. I can eat it now because I am physically weak."
"all right! He is a doctor. Listen to him! "
After eating a bowl of gruel, Shu Lele was a little tired and curled up in Ningyichen’s arms with a smiling face and narrowed his eyes.
Ning Yichen put her slowly on the couch cover after she was asleep and gave her a gentle look before she left the room.
"Jun Shaoyan!"
"to! What is your command? "
"Lele body? When can you recover? "
Jun Yan thin lips slightly sip laughed "report you want to do in such a hurry? Lele is not suitable for pregnancy now! "
"get out!" NingYiChen criticise "you just eavesdropping enough? If it’s not enough, I’ll send you to a place to make sure that you hear someone say you like to listen to disgusting words every day. "
"That place is double-known"
"….." Shuang Hejun speaks with little face, your words are too …
"I can let someone take you if you want to go!"
"Don’t go! I am emotionally interested in Wang Ye and pleasure! "
"Then there is no hope for you. Go back and forth from where you are when you are happy!"
"Ah-no way!" Jun Shao Yan screams one
"What else do you want?" Ning Yichen stifled a smile and asked slowly, "If you can find a way to make Lele get better quickly, I can consider asking you to stay and then asking email to be your chef."
"really?" A foodie’s eyes suddenly lit up.
VIP194 Wang Ye washes his hands and makes soup.
Ning Yichen solemnly nodded and vowed that "Wang’s own personality guarantee will definitely make you happy!"

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