上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 喝茶品茶联系方式,桑拿夜网 "Don’t worry, as soon as you rush out, we will shoot at the same time." The leader’s tone slowed down a little. "Come on, run faster and you won’t die!"

"Don’t worry, as soon as you rush out, we will shoot at the same time." The leader’s tone slowed down a little. "Come on, run faster and you won’t die!"

"I know … I know …"
The congregation nodded mechanically, then took off the gun and took several deep breaths in a row-
"One, two, three-"
On the count of three, he jumped up from the ground and rushed at the fallen machine gun twenty meters away.
However, the fire support gun didn’t sound-no one dared to lean out of the bunker with their bodies or weapons, and there was no gun at all.
But before he realized the problem, the congregation felt as if he had been hit hard on the side of his head. He clearly heard the "click" when the cervical vertebra broke. First, his eyes turned white, then a brief blur, and then he exhausted the darkness
Sniper bullets fired from the right ear instantly produced a cavity effect, which ground almost two thirds of the brain. By the way, the left half of the face was completely torn, and blood mixed with flesh and blood smashed the helmet side.
The warhead smacked his body heavily with great kinetic energy, and one eye bounced out of the breach of the mask. The hot ground rolled … but it burst because of the high temperature before rolling far.
"See him! I saw the ambush! I caught fire when I saw his gun! " The leader stared at the reflective helmet mask. "He is behind the two juxtaposed boulders across the rift valley!"
He took a deep breath and shouted excitedly to others, "and-he seems to have someone!" "
"alone?" His congregation looked at each other and there was a man … Isn’t it a whole sniper team that ambushed them?
The team of more than 30 people was overwhelmed by a sniper and even dared not show their heads …
Those guys who are fierce in nature among these congregation couldn’t help holding their guns tightly-if the leader doesn’t say more, they know in their hearts what kind of reward they will get if they can kill the sniper …
It’s not that their boss cares about the graceful body of the priestess in black robes, and these people have also coveted it for a long time …
Many members of the congregation have talked about these enchanting women privately, and many people think it is worthwhile to come with them once, even if they die immediately the next day-and now there is just such an opportunity in front of them.
This sniper is so powerful, nine times out of ten, he is an important figure in the enemy. Even if he is not, he has killed more than a dozen congregations. If anyone can avenge these dozens of congregations, he will certainly gain the appreciation of the Prophet.
If you are lucky enough to be less than 200 meters away, maybe stray bullets can kill each other. At the thought of this, these people’s breathing becomes heavy.
"He has a person! Even if he can make a false shot, he can aim at a target and kill a person with one shot! " The leader continued to shout to his hand, "Let’s rush out together and try to spread the formation as far as possible. If we can carry a few shots over our heads, we can suppress him in turn by virtue of our advantages of more guns and more people. Then we will take the initiative!"
"He has killed sixteen of us. This is a valuable adult. Think about how much reward you can get if you can take this guy’s head back!"
The heretical sect department has a very special reward and punishment mechanism called "eye for eye reward", which is named after the old saying "eye for eye"-"eye for eye reward" judges merits according to the status and the target, but not the number of heretical sects killed by the target. The more a person kills heretical sects, the higher his head value, which is quite a bit of an ancient "revenge order".
The leader’s friend just happened to kill a machine gunner in the field and bring the body of the machine gunner back to the camp-the machine gunner killed more than 100 heretics in previous clean-up wars, including a prophet.
After confirming the identity and "record" of the machine gunner, the prophet immediately awarded a priestess award to that person and assigned him the management of three large settlements.
No one will be jealous of this kind of thing … If you are lucky, even a humble member of the lower class will have a chance to soar.
"No one will rob me. This guy is me!" A member of the congregation suddenly growled, "His head is mine!"
"Hum, it depends on your own business!" Another member of the congregation snorted, "If you want to get ahead of us, you can rush out now. I promise I won’t argue with you."
But these people didn’t dare to rush out of the bunker alone-they haven’t been completely carried away by the attractive reward. Everyone knows that rushing out alone at this time will be killed by this sniper.
If you want to rush, everyone will rush together.
They consciously set their sights on the leader.
"I counted three and everyone rushed together-"The leader put up three fingers "One, two, three-rush! !”
The leader shouted for three seconds, and the congregation rushed out of the bunker in a strange voice.
The sniper rifle rang again, and a congregation fell down, but others didn’t stop. As they rushed forward, they picked up their crude weapons and shot wildly at Allen’s position.
No one noticed that the leader didn’t rush at him and didn’t show his head to observe the situation outside
Another shot. Just now, the congregation said, "Don’t rob me." A big hole through the front and back appeared on his helmet surface.
But after this shot, Allen also had to retreat behind the bunker.
Although the weapons in the hands of these heretical sects are rudimentary to the extreme, the bullets are real. Ten-millimeter powerful bullets, such as shoulders, chests or arms with thick armor, may be fine, but if the mask is hit in the face, he will die.
The bullets fired by this group of people fell on these two megalithic faces like raindrops. Although their marksmanship is accurate, there are always several "lucky" bullets when more than a dozen guns are fired at the same time.
As the leader said, there are many of them and there are many guns … Allen can also take advantage of the poor information and terrain to catch them off guard. Once his position is exposed, his initiative will cease.
Chapter four hundred and sixty-nine Black rune stone
The opposite side needs to maintain this situation. Some people fire to suppress Allen, while others try to cross these two cracks in the middle of the cross-battlefield. After losing the distance and bunker, even if Allen’s single-player combat ability is strong, his fists can’t compete with four hands.
Allen bit his teeth and pushed the last "sniper shotgun" into the chamber, then quickly leaned out of the bunker and pointed it at the enemy’s most dense position and pulled the trigger!
Allen didn’t come to observe the effectiveness of this shot, and a huge force overturned him-
"I was shot?" This is Allen’s first reaction. After a short period of white consciousness, a sharp pain came from his head. He quickly reached out and groped-fortunately, the helmet curved surface bounced, but one corner of the protective mask was shattered, and several pieces of glass were inserted into the forehead. Blood slowly flowed along the eyebrow arch.
Whether Allen will treat the wound or not, he quickly takes out a roll of repair tape from his pocket and tears a piece to seal the breach of the mask.
Although the frontal injury hurts, it is not fatal. There is no important organ in this position, and the superficial temporal artery has not been tied to the brain, but it has a hard bone protection … What’s more, his roots have not been bandaged for himself in this situation.
After giving himself an analgesic injection, Allen kept adjusting his breathing frequency with his back against the boulder-just that shot of "sniper shotgun" seemed to have a good effect, and the messy gun across the street had stopped and I didn’t know how many people had been killed
"Was that shot that just hit me a stray bullet?"

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