
Gu Qingshan suddenly opened his eyes and grasped the golden chain in his hand, violently pulling and yelling, "Come!"
The golden chain stretched straight at once, and he dragged it to a large extent.
At the same time
The body of the magic man in the earth, the world and the sky flies like a streamer.
A dark red giant mouth with a rotten smell followed closely and emerged from the celestial boundary.
Doomsday monster!
It’s coming!
The whole enchantment was smashed by its huge body and scattered all over the sky like flying glass.
The doomsday monster chased the magic man’s body closely and swallowed it with a very rapid gesture.
Deep underground, Gu Qingshan looks dignified.
Avoid feeling the monster’s movement. He has loosened the golden chain.
His hands quickly squeezed out the sword tactic
-it is reasonable to say that his realm needs a mind to move the sword tactic and it will be generated immediately.
But this time it’s different. He can’t do anything. Only this sword can kill the enemy!
Gu Qingshan is able to go!
See his hands the ghosting extremely fast to knead a sword tactic.
Secret sword painting shadow!
Secret sword painting shadow!
Secret sword painting shadow!
Gu Qingshan pinched this sword tactic-
Now you can’t use the pupil sword, and this sword tactic can instantly explode several sword shadows to attack the enemy
At the moment, the body of the magic man has been swallowed by the monster, which is just the secret sword!
Silence in a small room
The quicksand in the hourglass is still falling
Gu Qingshan holding sword tactic relentlessly.
He can’t hear what’s going on outside and can’t see what’s going on outside, but he knows it’s the only chance to kill each other!
a breath
Three interest rates
Five interest rates
Suddenly, lines of fireflies jumped out of the void.
"You killed the invisible doomsday monster."
Notice that it’s dead, and the invisible smell power has disappeared from it.
"Note that I still can’t show its name. This is in case you meet the same kind of doomsday. If you think of it, its name will still be petrified on the spot."
"This is a world war I beyond imagination. No sentient beings have ever been able to defeat it in the doomsday era, nor can God be the only ones who have accomplished similar feats."
"You have gained a lot of boundary force."
"Your remaining boundary force is 1 point"
Gu Qingshan this just let go tactic.
At the same time, the mountain girl voice suddenly sounded.
"The business is over, but you’d better come out."
"What’s the situation?" Gu Qingshan asked
"Those spirits want to see you …"
Gu Qingshan’s heart was shrouded in white fog when he left for a week.
The white fog cleared and he showed his figure.
See a black and red monster body hundreds of meters long.
Beside the monster’s body, there are many spirits who have been summoned to the blood world.
"Please!" Gu Qingshan fuels laughed

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