A "pin-shaped warship" nearly 20 kilometers long

When a large barrage flew towards it, Lynn found that most of the barrage was close and blew itself up in the process.
A few barrage can directly blast that shiny silver shell of the target, but leave no trace.
And this’ pin’ didn’t attack it, but it still floated there. Lin found that its shell was full of light and slowly dimmed and disappeared completely.
Is the light gone, this warship or that position?
But it does have the ability to hide.
Accurately speaking, all warships, including those bitter nails, have the ability to hide themselves.
This is mainly because they study painful energy acquisition technology.
"quick! Continue to attack! "
Now all the nail warships are still shooting at the target crazily. Their main weapon is to shoot a flash bomb screen from the warship body.
However, no matter how they attack, the result is the same as the first time. Many barrage bombs blow themselves up during the flight.
"I gave you everything, your life and everything …"
"Since you don’t want to, I’ll move myself."
These signals kept echoing in people’s minds. At the same time, Lin saw all nail warships … flying towards pin warships.
"Out of control! This is how … this is impossible! "
Lin has micro-arms to follow those bitter people and is also a warship pilot. Lin clearly feels the panic of these bitter people from their consciousness.
At this moment, they completely control warships, and it is estimated that other warships are also in the same situation.
They are gathering towards the target uncontrollably … They are still on fire during the flight.
But slowly, their firepower seems to have been controlled and stopped attacking.
At the same time, the nearest warship also … Touched the target.
When it flew to the side of the’ pin battleship’, its speed slowed down and it finally stuck to the warship shell completely.
Then Lynn found that the pin shell … stretched out a lot of tentacles.
It’s interesting that the nail battleship shell also extends a lot of tentacles.
These tentacles look like metal structures, and they protrude from the shells of both warships.
Then these tentacles intertwined and … fused together.
See this situation bitter nail people more … shocked.
They didn’t know that their warships could reach out this … tentacle.
Finally, the tentacles are intertwined to pull the distance between the two warships closer and closer … slowly nail the battleship and paste it … Pin the battleship shell.
And slowly melted into it
It’s like sinking into the water, and the whole warship quickly melts into it … and disappears.
And then all the warships are like this.
If they want to get close to the’ pin battleship’, they will stretch out a lot of tentacles and intertwine with each other.
Then they will merge.
Accurately, nail warships were melted into each other.
As more and more’ pins’ are integrated into warships, their shapes change slowly.
First, it becomes bigger and bigger, and the spherical structure on its head gradually becomes smaller.
This makes it look like … an ordinary pin instead of a pin.

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