It’s like I’m stuck in a swamp!

Realistic characteristics of the main force field of the spirit force
Almost at the same moment, the protective fire flag of the dimensional fire chess was directly cut off, revealing a big gap.
At the same time, a small dark sword instantly appeared from Xu tui’s head and then disappeared!
The expression of fire chess suddenly became frightened when the dark colored sword appeared!
Unable to move, Huoqi’s heart suddenly emerged with extreme fear!
"Help me!" Fire chess roar loud
However, when the fire chess roar appears, the small dark-colored sword appears, and the method of dodging the fire chess head appears!
Cut in instantly!
Just a moment, the fire chess spirit body will collapse on the spot!
At this moment, the fire chess screams!
After displaying the main force field of the spirit and the whole Excalibur, Xu retreated and nearly fainted on the spot.
Spirit bottomed out again.
This time the spirit is less than one percent.
I almost bottomed out in a coma
If it weren’t for the crazy recovery spirit just now, the realistic characteristics of the main force field of the spirit can also be cast out to trap fire chess!
But in the end, I killed the fire chess!
Fire chess was completely beheaded at the moment, and he was stunned by the waves and waves.
Fire chess, the nine-guard star strong, was completely beheaded, which brought them a great blow!
And not just a blow.
With the complete fall of Firechess, it will be able to play with its stars.
Xiao Liu’s five seven-guard celestial generals An Xiaoxue, Wen Xinglun, Qu Qingshan, Yan Xuejing and a dozen three-guards and four-guards can remotely attack the remote fire and waves of the quasi-planet department.
Wave cross this fellow play it by ear and directly pinch a water-blue jade block. The whole person is wrapped in a water-blue light curtain and disappears instantly.
That’s the treasure that his uncle’s elder Shui Zhi saved his life.
Kun Yuan is miserable.
Although the life-saving baby fell on the spot in less than twenty seconds after the siege!
The Eldar Planet has fallen!
But xu back carefully induced the underground that quantity fluctuation breath is a face of dignified!
Reinforcements are coming!
Chapter one thousand and seventy-five Desperate expedition with an open hand
Attack the planet, slay the fire chess of the Eldar Nine Guards, slay the fire chess of the Eldar Nine Guards, slay the Kunyuan Eldar, the elder and nephew of the Eldar, and escape from nowhere.
Zilangheng Elves are alive again.

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Gu Qingshan suddenly opened his eyes and grasped the golden chain in his hand, violently pulling and yelling, "Come!" The golden chain stretched straight at once, and he dragged it


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