上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿夜网 "oh! I remember inhaling some of the other party’s poisonous fog consciousness and reaching the automatic defense command at the last minute … It was really close! " Yun Nie seems to want to see the ins and outs of relieved sample way

"oh! I remember inhaling some of the other party’s poisonous fog consciousness and reaching the automatic defense command at the last minute … It was really close! " Yun Nie seems to want to see the ins and outs of relieved sample way

Yun Nie gave a performance to clean himself up from the invasion and gave the credit for retreating the enemy to his guard robot.
At that time, Yun Nie probably guessed the cause and effect at the moment when he noticed that Kara people invaded his spaceship. Then he thought for three whole seconds …
How to get them on board? How to make trouble for the binary star? How to get some benefits from it?
These thoughts flashed so fast that he thought of Zhou Dong’s research report. It’s a pity that chicken rib technology seems to meet all the conditions.
Caravan’s strength is that in some fields of biotechnology, even binary stars can’t say they are sure to win.
However, in this article, individuals advocate nature and love life, and they are not good at fighting. They are simply herbivores, so they have hardly issued decent biological weapons except for strengthening the directional colonization technology.
However, failure to send and inability to send are two different things, precisely because of this evaluation of Caravan in intelligence, biological weapons were not used in the double star attack
Once the chemical and biological weapons are quickly cracked by Caravan, who is more accomplished in this field, it is not impossible for Gary to do the opposite.
Never attack one’s own weaknesses in foreign wars, but try to choose strengths and avoid weaknesses! This is the common sense between the two texts.
And a language’s ability to defend against foreign language attacks actually follows the barrel theory, that is, its defense weakness is the lowest board!
When mechanical technology is developed, biological viruses will destroy you, and when biological technology is developed, biochemical diseases will overwhelm you.
This is actually an asymmetric war in the military field!
For two strangers, it is the most time-saving and labor-saving plan to wage war by asymmetric means, unequal forces and unconventional methods
Now Yun Nie is ready to let Caravan play his strengths and avoid weaknesses!
There is no garbage in the world, there is misplaced garbage!
It is necessary to know that the key "life hormone" technology in hound breeding is snatched from Caravan by two stars, so if the most precious genetic sample and breeding technology of hounds fall into Caravan’s hands, will there be a surprising chemical reaction?
Yun Nie expressed great expectation for this …
"Didi!" NieYun hand communication terminal rings when the spaceship people are busy with the aftermath.
"Arthas, it’s so good to see you all right!" Isabelle’s enchanting face appeared on the screen, but at the moment her face doesn’t seem to look good.
"It’s lucky that Isar Pavilion can see you again." Yun Nie smiled bitterly and concealed his "dissatisfaction."
"I already know what happened. This time, we really underestimated your enemy and put you in danger. It is also our responsibility that the Legion will definitely give you an explanation!" Isabelle seems to explain seems to be calm way
Yun Nie’s identity is sensitive now, and the aftermath of the sun and Gustav incident has just passed, and now there are Kara people who specially want to assassinate him.
No one can tell if there are any people from the Double Star Department who have become fine politicians. If they know, they will make a big fuss about it!
Isabel has some regrets that she sent this guy to Kara Star to carry out this matter. If she delves into it, even she will be pitted. After all, she gave it to Yun Nie.
"Isar pavilion YanChong soldier I have already prepared to die at any time. If you are in danger, you will back down. What a soldier! It’s a pity that I can’t keep the enemy! "
Yun Nie’s eyes are firm, but he has to write the words "loyalty to the country"
Isabel took a deep look. Yun Nie seems to want to see from Yun Nie’s eyes what he really thinks and died in his country … Just listen. She is not a hot-blooded girl who just joined the army.
Noncommittally nodded Isabel changed the subject "those hidden Kara remnants should have been weakened this time, so you should return to be on standby first."
Let the ground forces be responsible for finding cosmic wonders for the time being. "
"hmm? Isabel Pavilion If you are worried about me, Ann … "
"It’s not that Karastar can’t run away, but it’s more important that we have it now." Isar looked solemn.
"hmm? What happened? " Yun Nie "curious" way
"Just now the Gustav Fleet reported that the attack on the Sun Wormhole … failed!"
Back to an hour ago …
After the "Pioneer Captain" mecha was killed, the battle was still in full swing, and it was not affected by Yun Nie’s sudden "disconnection"
The tactical plan was drawn up long before the battle. Yun Nie needed to pay a little attention to the change of the war situation, otherwise he didn’t have the trumpet at that time.
On the battlefield, the mecha units on the earth side quickly broke through the blocking network of binary fighters by relying on dense formation and stronger firepower, and then the battle quickly became hot!
"Our mecha group break through the other fighter group stop! The war damage rate is 9%. "
"The enemy man-machine launched a suicide charge on our mecha units. There were too many of them, and the speed of the mecha units was affected!"
"The enemy mecha group is close to our defense line. It is estimated that there will be 5 minutes to enter the effective range of the enemy. Has it come to stop them from approaching …"
A series of battlefield information in earth defense force Virtual Command Room was broadcast, and the binary human fleet still entangled the mecha troops on the earth side by relying on the superior number and faster speed.
In this situation, the three commanders remain very calm.

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