上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 约茶品茶工作室 Continuous attacks are constantly bombarding the flying pompoms everywhere.

Continuous attacks are constantly bombarding the flying pompoms everywhere.

All the pompoms are flying in the rain like a storm. They don’t attack from a long distance … but they approach these aircraft quickly and then …’ Boom!’
A one-meter fluffy ball can blast a big hole on the surface of the aircraft for tens of meters, and the whole aircraft will be destroyed instantly because it hits these parts, usually the engine.
However, Lin noticed that when each aircraft exploded, it would spill a lot of things like meat, which would stick to the shells of other aircraft nearby.
Lin attacked one aircraft after another and was destroyed one after another, but their number increased.
A large number of virtual aircraft gathered around, and Lin found that they had increased to tens of thousands, but the number of pompoms did not increase so fast.
Yinlin made pompoms temporarily, and they were right here.
It seems that if the fighting continues, it may bring the whole area of aircraft and everything together …
So Lin decided to stop fighting first, so Lin withdrew all the pompoms into the model sand sea and closed the entrance inside.
This has caused a large number of aircraft to gather at the entrance, but because the entrance is closed, they can’t get in even if they perceive that there is one here.
But this entrance is not Lin but … Channel brain.
It can now slowly control some parts of the sand sea.
And Lin is going to do some … detailed investigation in this period.
There are still many flying machines in the model sand sea. They all broke in before, but now they are all trapped by Lin Rongqiu.
Each of them is wrapped in a lot of fluff, which also tests all the details of the aircraft.
This kind of creature is very similar to the gel creature that Lin met before. They are a wonderful creature.
The main arms of this group of creatures are not cell creatures, but creatures like meat as Lin now sees.
These creatures quickly devour all the decomposable substances around them and proliferate, which is similar to fungi.
However, they are actually not related to gel organisms and fungi, and they are a new kind of organisms.
But it’s not completely new. Yinglin noticed that these pieces of meat were actually closer to the pioneers.
That is to say, they may be … pioneers. Although the appearance is very different, the structure is … very close.
And another interesting thing about them is that when they spread to the aircraft department, they will control the inside … those engines and operating systems.
So that they can fly the aircraft and they will also maintain the aircraft
These pieces of meat will keep the aircraft in good condition … to be exact, most of them are in good condition, and it doesn’t matter how old they are.
Although they can operate the aircraft, they will not upgrade the aircraft.
Lynn found that they made the flying machines all the styles made by the virtual empire a long time ago, and they have been … operating these flying machines but never upgraded their functions.
They seem to have been controlling all kinds of things left over from the empire for a long time.
But the main thing is that Lin found that they … have brains.
After closing the entrance to the sand sea, Lin found that all these creatures stopped their activities.
What is directing these creatures like meat to combine and leave some small arms outside? After investigation, it can be found that the virtual area outside is actually covered by a’ signal area’
All meat creatures in this signal area can move, and once separated, there is no way to move.
And the signal came from somewhere.
Lin has now let the micro-arms go to that place … because it is far away, it will float for a while.
Lin also happens to have a look at the scenery here.
This place is full of virtual imperial vehicles and things like that, and they are all covered with pieces of meat. It seems that there is no special scenery other than that.
After a period of floating, some micro arms of Lin came to a …
Giant front
This is the largest in this area, and its overall shape is like a tree.
It has a’ trunk’ with a width of one kilometer and a length of about ten kilometers, and there are many branches at both ends that extend out.
However, its trunk is a metal structure, while the surrounding’ branches’ are similar to flesh and blood structures.
It looks … weird.

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