上海419论坛,上海龙凤花千坊,夜上海论坛,上海品茶工作室 桑拿会所 Looking up, almost on the second floor, a group of girls are watching us … but also watching the distant sun.

Looking up, almost on the second floor, a group of girls are watching us … but also watching the distant sun.

"Sorry, we haven’t ordered yet. Can you come here? "I found that Yao Ri had noticed her, and her smile was more brilliant.
"Ok, please wait a moment." When I heard a guest calling for Yao Ri, I walked towards the loser.
"If you are entangled, call Lily to come and save you! I teased him about the secret code when he passed me.
I have only experienced being surrounded by girls. When he heard me say this, his face could not help but look scared. Judging from his appearance, he certainly didn’t think of it when he responded to the guests.
"Cat, don’t you …" He said to me uneasily.
"The guest but named to you! Knowing that he wanted me to go instead of him, I politely turned him down.
"But …"
"Don’t worry! I patted him on the back and he cheered, "You should keep a straight face and not chat with them. If you don’t answer anything except ordering food, those girls will not haunt you if you ignore them."
"Really? "Yao Ri still hesitates.
"Of course! Girls’ self-esteem is very high, and no one wants to stick a hot face on someone’s cold ass. I am sure that I will return it to him and attach a "self-help plan" to him.
"If you really can’t handle it, ask Lily to come to your restaurant immediately. If the staff is in trouble, she can’t ignore it, and she always flies much faster than me. If the situation is solved, I will follow her to save you."
"Well," I promised that it would be a long time before I moved to that group of girls.
If I go to Japan in this way again, will there be "fear of women" after this? I’m really worried about this future. If he really becomes like this, it will be a great loss for us girls.
I must protect him well and don’t let this happen. I am secretly determined in my heart.
"hey! That cute girl! Can I have one? "The new killer’s voice has never worried about others’ eyes, shouting," We are on the third floor! The biggest UFO table. See it here? 」
It’s so big. What? It’s embarrassing! Looking up to the third floor, I found that the gods were happy and they were at the same table as the new killer.
"hey! Dear miss sheng, we meet again! "Learn to the new killer tone Labra greeted me.
Dear Cat, the killer threw himself on the edge of the flying saucer and shouted, I’m so hungry! Do you have the heart to make me hungry? 」
I can kill you with my own hands, and I’m still worried about you starving? I sneer at my lips.
Although I really want to tell the new guy to shut up, half of the guests in the restaurant came to me because of his yelling, so that I could put on a professional smile.
"Please wait a moment. I’ll be right there."
When the conveyor belt slowly moved in their direction and reached their UFO table, it was found that the gods had already ordered a meal to enjoy.
"Excuse me, what would Mr. Xin like to eat? "I will order the menu and the screen will appear.
"Gee, these meals all look good." Browsing through the dishes, the killer said one by one what he wanted to eat. "I want a chocolate hot pot drink, hot cocoa for dessert, ice cream muffins and a chocolate cake."
"The new how do you order such a sweet meal? I couldn’t help frowning at the name of this pile of sweets.
Because the sniper didn’t set the place where the characters needed to eat, we didn’t know each other’s eating habits, but I never thought that the new guy would be a sweet tooth.
"Sweet is the taste of happiness! Life needs dessert to be perfect! "The new impassioned tone roar.
"…" Forget it. I don’t care if my personal preferences are different anyway.
I put my hand into the screen vividly before learning, and when I touched the meal picture, it immediately turned into a solid.
When the new killer set the table in the restaurant department, he saw this spectacular dessert dinner, and his boy looked strange and couldn’t help but retreat a little.
"Please slow down" put away the menu and I’ll be ready to leave immediately.
"Cat, why are you working here? The new killer stopped me, and while eating, he asked, "It’s more profitable to fight monsters, and it’s more helpful for our later games."
You and I want to work here? If I didn’t have money, how could I work here to pay my debts? But I don’t want to say anything about the reason for such humiliation!
"I want to make friends with my boss first." I made it up casually.
"What? "God is curious to ask.
"Robot A-guang, do you have any clues over there? "I took the opportunity to ask for information.
Since there are so many people gathered here, you should have heard about it more or less, right?
"The robot is not just to help it get energy? "chimed in Labrador puzzled.
"No! My friend was also entrusted to find his maker. "Other people tell what they know."
"yeah? There are manufacturers? I was overjoyed to find that things had made new progress and asked each other.
"Yeah, he just gave him a photo and asked my friend to look for clues at the ruins."
"Cat, we are also going to the ruins to blame. Do you want to go together? "God music then made an invitation to me.
Want to! Of course I want to! But I can’t leave! I can’t go anywhere unless I pay the bill. My heart is struggling.
"Why hesitate? "The gangster killer method understands my reaction." You can earn tens of thousands of dollars by fighting a monster, which is much better than working. "
"Say you are very rich now? "His words made me flash an idea.
"There are about more than two hundred! At this point, the villain has finished eating the chocolate hot pot and turned to attack the ice cream muffin.
I grabbed his hand and forced him to stop eating. "Give me money."
"ah? "The new killer looked at me by surprise. I had opened my mouth wide and forgot to close it.
"give me money or give me something to sell." I repeat what I said.
"top cat, when did you switch to being a robber? "The new teasing me with a smile.
"Now" I gave him a brighter smile.
"Gee, I really meet people! I made a bandit friend by mistake. "The new guy shook his head with a wry smile.
"Money is the root of all evils. I’m helping you get rid of unnecessary burdens." I smiled at him.
"Cat, how much do you need? "god asked the amount seems to want to transfer money to me.
"No! I’ll just take it from the new guy. "I declined him with a smile.
On the surface, it seems that I am very confident to take money from the new killer, but that’s because I know that he doesn’t pay much attention to the things in the game. Plus, we have a good friendship, so I will almost "rob" him, but God is not familiar with me, so I will feel awkward if I take money from him.
"ding! The player "God of War" remits one million yuan to deduct the debt of 300,000 yuan and the current account balance of 700,000 yuan.
When I was talking to Shen Tianle, the new killer had already completed the remittance.
"eh? Give me so much? "This change I froze, I also he will give me tens of thousands of pieces!
"Why? Do you feel very moved? "The new killer grabbed my hand and joked with a smile." Have you considered being committed? 」
"Well …" I gave him a fake smile and pulled my hand back before I answered "No" firmly.
"well! How can you say such a thing? My fragile heart has been stung by you. "The new killer put his hands on his chest and looked miserable."
Ignoring him, I’ll transfer 400 thousand yuan to Yaori first to clear his debts
"How can you have so much money? After receiving the notification message of unified accounting, I immediately sent a secret message to me.
I told him, by the way, to wait for an action. "They told me that there were clues in the ruins. I’ll go to the boss’s place first to redeem the thunder. Wait for a moment. We’ll go to the ruins with them."
"Why don’t you have a seat here and I’ll find the restaurant owner" and then I’m ready to leave.
"Cats and so on! "God Music suddenly stopped me." My warehouse is too full. I want to clear some things. I’ll move some things for you to sell. "
I opened his warehouse before I could answer, but I didn’t want to avoid the situation that the player robbed the treasure. The player’s warehouse only saw it by himself, and people couldn’t touch it

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踏入茶馆,一股浓郁的茶香扑面而来,让人瞬间陶醉。古色古香的木制桌椅,青砖灰瓦的屋顶,墙上挂着老舍先生的名篇《茶馆》的插图,一切仿佛都在诉说着那段沧桑的历史。 茶馆的布局别具一格,分为上下两层。楼下是茶艺展示区,茶艺师们手法娴熟地泡制着一壶壶香茗,为游客们表演茶艺。楼上的茶座则宽敞舒适,顾客们或品茗闲聊,或观赏茶艺表演,好不热闹。 坐在茶馆的角落,点上一壶清茶,静静地品味。那淡淡的茶香,仿佛在诉说着老舍先生笔下茶馆的故事。这里曾是旧上海滩的一个缩影,无数故事在这里上演,无数人物在这里留下了足迹。 品茗之际,茶馆内不时传来阵阵欢声笑语。这里不仅是品茗的好去处,还是欣赏各种表演的绝佳场所。京剧、越剧、曲艺、魔术等精彩表演轮番上演,让人目不暇接。 茶馆内的一位老者,身着长衫,手持折扇,边品茗边讲述着老上海的故事。他说,老舍茶馆见证了上海的风雨变迁,也见证了无数人的悲欢离合。这里的一砖一瓦,一桌一椅,都充满了历史的痕迹。 时光荏苒,岁月如梭。如今的老舍茶馆,已成为上海的一个文化符号。它承载着上海的历史与文化,传承着老舍先生的精神。在这里,品茗时光,仿佛穿越时空,让人领略到上海的风情万种。 夜幕降临,华灯初上。上海老舍茶馆内依然热闹非凡。游客们在这里畅饮香茗,观赏表演,度过了一个又一个愉快的夜晚。品茗时光,不仅让人放松身心,更让人在历史的长河中寻找到一份宁静与慰藉。 上海老舍茶馆,这座充满京味儿的茶馆,已成为无数人心中的故乡。在这里,品茗时光,让我们感受到了上海的魅力,也让我们对这座繁华都市有了更深的认识。